What's another great thing about Tillamook Golden Bruffins? Not only are they quick to prepare, they don't take very long to bake. We put the Bruffins in an oven pre-heated to 425 degrees and twenty minutes later pulled out success! We checked the Bruffins by using the toothpick test to make sure they were done all the way through, then pulled them out and allowed them to cool. This was probably the quickest Retro Food Experiment, but how would they taste? How would pineapple, banana, and cheddar cheese taste jumbled together in a muffin?
They tasted great! Yes, this is also probably the tastiest Retro Food Experiment we've ever done. Everyone who tried the Bruffins enjoyed them, and they had a surprisingly subtle yet hearty and sweet taste to them that make them a perfect breakfast snack.
Beckie Sue was glad her mixing for today was at an end, and found the Bruffins particularly tasty. We thanked Beckie Sue for sharing her skills and techniques with us today, and we were all glad to settle down to a nice plate a warm, tasty Golden Bruffins. It's a lot nicer than settling down to a horrifying plate of tongue mousse...
Whole, unpeeled bananas are underused as a garnish. Glad you're changing that!